EJACU-Rich Review
In order for a species to survive it must have some basic instincts and aside from the instinct to nourish itself there is probably no greater instinct than to carry on the species by means of procreation. This means seeking out and attempting to have sex as often as possible. And, to ensure this the sex act has to be considered highly pleasurable. And, since humans definitely fall into this category we are all quite familiar with the powerful drive that we all have to seek out sex partners. And, because we are likely the most advanced species on the planet we have developed a large number of ways to make the pursuit of sex and the act itself quite varied and interesting to the point where, in many ways, it has become an art form. This is so true that there is a wide ranging and highly lucrative industry that has been built up around it.
Yes, humans have created some very intriguing products and services to aid us in our drive to have sex including pornography and sex toys but one of the most intriguing and newest of them has come in the form of what has become known as the modern male enhancement supplement. At first, these almost always over the counter and all-natural products were created to help men who had moved beyond their peak physical and sexual years restore some or all of the chemical processes within their bodies that produce testosterone and enable them to have a high level of sexual drive and performance.
Then, within just the last few years the industry created an offshoot product that would appeal to an even broader group of men and, by extension, for women, too. This type of product was designed specifically to boost the production of semen in men for the purpose of elevating the intensity and duration of the male orgasm.
For guys who may not be overly familiar with the process of semen production the basic principle has a solid foundation in science and has been shown to be increasingly popular with men of all stripes all around the world. To break it down simply the more semen that a man produces and stores the harder and longer the testicles have to work to pump it all out at the moment of orgasm. This means more and longer lasting transmission of biochemical signals being sent to the brain which, in turn, leads to more and longer lasting creation of endorphins being produced which, of course, are responsible for the wild sense of euphoria we all know as the end product of the orgasm.
Now, as mentioned, as great as this is for men it is also great for women as they have a natural instinct which draws them to men who exhibit overt traits of masculinity and virility. The end result is a more heightened sexual experience for the woman, as well.
The only real problem with all of these great advances is that the industry that produces all of these great products has become flooded with a lot of inferior products as just about every entity with the capacity to produce a pill is doing so in a mad rush to cash in on what has become a multi-billion dollar industry. And, the result of that is that there are more and more men confused as to what products to buy.
Knowing all of this we, as part of our continuing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will most likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about semen volumizing male enhancement supplements out there on the market today - it's called EJACU-Rich.
Going Inside EJACU-Rich

The central claims being made by EJACU-Rich are that is was developed by a pharmacist and is being produced in the United States within a c-GMP certified & FDA inspected facility. Its central promise is that it provides enhanced potency for men using a natural and effective formula combining a unique formulation of herbal extracts and amino acids in highly sufficient quantities in order to work effectively without the use of caffeine or hormonal precursors.
What's EJACU-Rich Made Of?
The key active ingredients used in the production of EJACU-Rich are quite similar to most of the top rated products in the industry. They include 1300 mg per serving of highly defined and blended purist extracts of Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Black Cohosh, Ginkgo Biloba, Muira Puama, Chasteberry, Tribulus Terrestris, Ashwagandha, Ginseng and other Herbal Powders, Amino Acids and a Multivitamin added to increase overall performance.
What The Science Has To Say
It has become common for consumers to consult the label of products to see what ingredients are used in order to determine just how safe and effective that product is likely to be. What is far less common is for consumers to look at the data, if any exists, that shows what kind of research, studies or testing may have been done in order to measure and modify the these types of results. For example, if a product were to contain the very best available ingredients but used them in insufficient quantities then that product would not likely be very effective. It is also possible that there could be issues related to problems or side effects caused by the interactions between different ingredients.
Looking at all the available data both from the producer and outside sources we could find no evidence that any of the requisite research, studies or clinical trials have been performed on this product.
Independent User Reviews
Though it is widely accepted that most companies will use testimonials from satisfied customers as a selling tool it must also be noted that more and more consumers are coming around to the understanding that most of the testimonials and user reviews that they see appear on websites and in other marketing materials which are produced and controlled by the sellers, themselves. This means that these user comments have and obvious and inherent bias. With this being the case we always seek out more independent and less biased sources for user reviews.
In a standard search of multiple industry related websites with no known connection to EJACU-Rich or its producer as well as several well-known internet chat rooms known to discuss male enhancement products we found many independent user reviews for this product. A compilation of the ratings showed that the vast majority of users did not feel that it lived up to the many claims made as to its effectiveness even after steady use of a month or more.
How Safe Is EJACU-Rich?
Going over the list of ingredients used in its production there does not seem to be anything which has a history of health risks or serious side effects in healthy men. However, it is always advisable to seek a consultation with a physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning a daily regimen of this or any other product of a similar nature.
Ways To Purchase EJACU-Rich
This product can be found for sale through multiple online retail outlets including Walmart.com and Amazon.com. It should be noted that we found it to be not in stock at some other the retailers. In most cases we found the price for one month supply to be $29.99.
Our Final Thoughts On EJACU-Rich
For guys who are interested in taking their sexual experiences to the next level with more intense and longer lasting orgasms while being even more appealing and satisfying to their women the answer may well be found in a high quality semen volumizing male enhancement supplement. The real question is whether EJACU-Rich is among the top choices available in today's overcrowded market. To know this we believe that there are just three main aspects to look at in order to determine that answer.
One is the list of ingredients used in its production and there seems little doubt that in this area EJACU-Rich measures up to much of the competition. Another aspect relates to the formulation of those ingredients and, like far too many products out there, there appears to be no credible or verifiable evidence that this product has been subjected to any serious research, study or clinical testing that would support its many claims. The final aspect is regarding the numerous independent user reviews out there and, the majority of which, seem to believe that EJACU-Rich does not deliver on its many promises.
Putting everything together is appears quite clear that EJACU-Rich cannot be rated among the best options for increasing semen production and enhancing male orgasms.
For more information on high quality, top performing semen volumizing male enhancement supplements available on the market today see below or click here.
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1 | Learn More |
Extendagen | |
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Volume Pills | |
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Semenax | |
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Irexis |