Ball Refill Gold Review
When it comes to living life to the fullest there is one thing in life that just about any man or any woman would agree on as one of the most sought-after experiences. And, yes, we're talking about having sex and a lot of it. More than that we're talking about having a lot of great sex - the kind that is so deeply satisfying that it makes you forget anything and everything else that is going on in your life - the kind that just makes you want to have more and more.
Now, all of that may be true for both men and women but there are some major differences in the way that each sex experiences sex and, no, we're not talking about emotionally. Yes, the simple fact is that our sexual organs are obviously quite different and what it takes to make the most out of a sexual experience is, therefore, radically different. Now, we could spend a lot of time talking about the female sexual experience and what it takes for a woman to get the most out of any physical encounter but we will leave that for another day as what we want to focus on here is the male sexual experience.
It is no secret that a lot of time, money and effort has been spent on helping men to achieve the greatest amount of sexual pleasure and this can be seen in everything that the huge industry that has arisen around the concept has to offer from erotic images and videos to sex toys to a lot of other things which may or may not be legal depending on where one lives. However, one of the more recent segments of the industry to emerge seems to be constantly breaking new ground and the main reason for that is the fact that science and some often age old herbal practices are constantly evolving based on new discoveries which can help men enjoy their sexual experiences more often and more fully. The products are generally known as male enhancement supplements and the variety can sometimes be staggering.
The first of these were basically designed to help aging males boost their testosterone levels which begin to drop as the pass full maturity. The idea of boosting testosterone and, in the process, elevating levels of nitric oxide in the blood leads to firmer and longer lasting erections which is a minor miracle for men who are reluctant or unable to get pharmaceutical treatments such as Viagra or Cialis. Since then, and based on the research that came before, the industry began to offer products that could help men achieve larger and longer lasting erections and even help them to increase the intensity and duration of their orgasms. The first of these were achieved by augmenting the basic formulas for stronger erections by further increasing blood flow for firmer and longer lasting erections. The second of these was achieved primarily by increasing the production levels of semen.
Now for those who may not be all that familiar with the process of semen production and how it affects the male orgasm it's rather easy to understand when one realizes that the more semen a man has built up in his testicles, the more contractions it takes during his orgasm to expel all of the stored semen. This, in turn, produces more biochemical signals being sent to the brain, which then call for the release of more endorphins which are the cause of that heady sense of euphoria that all men know as the male orgasm.
The real issue at hand is that these supplements have now become so popular and successful as a whole that the market for them has become flooded with literally hundreds of them as just about any company with the capacity to have a pill or liquid dose produced and the ability to bring it to market is doing so. Unfortunately, this also means that many of these products are proving to be less effective and even somewhat less safe than the very best that the industry has been known to offer over the last several years. This, as one would suspect, has led to a rise in customer satisfaction and confusion as so many men try to figure out which of these far too many options will really get the job done for them.
Taking all of these facts into consideration we, as a part of our duty to our many valued readers help them find the best available male enhancement supplements, have turned our eyes to one of the most talked about semen volumizers out there on the market today - it's called Ball Refill Gold.
A Look Inside Vigor Labs' Ball Refill Gold

What makes the Vigor Labs Ball Refill Gold so appealing is the fact that it is geared to attacking the main sexual issue that most men all over the world really want to correct more than any other. And that is simply to have more intense and longer lasting orgasms while, at the same time, presenting themselves to their mates as being extremely virile by delivering streams of semen that are not only impressive to any woman, but that say this guy is a keeper.
In essence, Vigor Labs Ball Refill Gold is an enhanced version of the original and which is designed to boost the production of semen even further beyond that of its original predecessor. It should also be noted that research shows that women are naturally attracted to men who exhibit outward signs of virility and nothing says that more than an oversized load of semen.
Ball Refill Gold Active Ingredients
The first thing that should be understood about the formulation of this product is that Vigor Labs has chosen to make its exact make up a secret by creating what is called a proprietary blend. This simply means that the specific quantities of some elements are not given so as to protect it from being copied by the competition. That said, what is known is that it includes a number of well-established elements such as Maca Root, Horny Goat Weed, Panax Ginseng, Yohimbe Extract, Sarsaparilla, Tribulus Terrestris, Saw Palmetto Extract, Gingko Biloba Extract, Long Jack Extract, Flower Pollen Extract and Chrysin.
As good as this list of key elements may be there is some criticism from many experts who note that the lack of other key elements including Zinc, which is critical for the creation of highly stable cellular structure, as well as Folate and Magnesium is likely to lead to less than optimal performance in the production of top quality semen.
Research, Studies And Testing
Knowing the ingredients in any product is desirable as it allows one to see if it contains the elements which are most desired and if it might have any ingredients which could lead to medical issues like allergic reactions. Still, for anyone who may be interested in the deeper details there are often other forms of details which generally come from reports related to research, studies or clinical trials given that this is not always done for products of this type.
Based on a review of all of the available information we gathered from Vigor Labs as well as numerous industry sources we could not find any data that supports the vast number of claims that are being made for Vigor Labs Ball Refill Gold.
Ball Refill Gold User Reviews
In the years before the wide use of the internet by the general public and consumers there were few ways for them to know if a product or service would live up to its claims beyond general word of mouth. But, all of that changed once consumers found that they could access the experiences of millions of other people who had tried them. This, of course, worked well for many reputable producers but those who did not fall into that category found themselves in precarious positions. Since it is widely known that many companies tend to engage in various efforts to manipulate user reviews in order to minimize the damage brought on by negative feedback, we always seek out sources of less biased comments.
Utilizing a review of numerous industry sources as well as a wide array of online forums and chat room known to discuss male enhancement supplements, we located a large cache of independent user reviews for this product. A quick tally of the user satisfaction ratings showed that the majority of these reviewers did not believe that they received any significant or long-lasting benefits from this product.
Health And Safety Issues
Looking back at the listed elements used in the making of Vigor Labs Ball Refill Gold shows that they are in wide use within the industry and do not appear likely to cause any serious side effects for otherwise healthy individuals. Still, it is always best to consult with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning regular use of this or any other product of this nature.
Pricing And Dosage
A visit to the official product website for Vigor Labs shows that Ball Refill Gold is priced at $30.00 for a thirty capsule, thirty day supply.
The Final Verdict
Finding ways to have more sex and make it as great is possible is a pursuit that men have always been interested in. And, now with the growing number of male enhancement products such as those found in the Vigor Labs Ball Refill Gold it has become easier for men to get what they want by increasing the intensity and duration of their orgasms. What we wanted to know here is whether Ball Refill Gold could deliver the goods as advertised. To do this we looked at three core factors.
The first was the list of ingredients and, as good as they are relative to many of the leading competitors, they fail to include a number of key elements which are widely accepted to be critical to all top performing products of this kind. The second factor was to look at any data that may have come from research, studies and testing and, as we found, there was no real data that would support the multiple claims being made for the products in the bundle. The last factor dealt with what independent user reviews have to say and the results there were simply that most of them felt that the Vigor Labs Ball Refill Gold did not live up to expectations.
In the end there is little doubt that there are many other products that are likely to be able to boost semen production far better than the Vigor Labs Ball Refill Gold.
For more information on high quality, top ranked semen volumizing male enhancement supplements available on the market today, see below or click here.
Rank | Pic | Detailed Analysis | Rating | Website |
1 | Learn More |
Extendagen | |
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Volume Pills | |
3 | Learn More |
Semenax | |
4 | Learn More |
Ogoplex | |
5 | Learn More |
Spermamax | |
6 | Learn More |
Spermomax | |
7 | Learn More |
Roplex | |
8 | Learn More |
FertilAid | |
9 | Learn More |
Ejaculoid | |
10 | Learn More |
Steel Libido | |
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Zenerx | |
12 | Learn More |
Irexis |