Ejaculation Envy: How to Boost Your Confidence
Most men get a little insecure from time to time, especially when it comes to their performance as a lover. It's hard to know for sure whether you're doing everything right - if you're staying hard long enough, if you member is big enough, and that you're producing enough semen to please your lover. Some partners are shy about communicating their needs to you honestly, and porn gives men unrealistic expectations to live up to.
One way to solve this dilemma is to consider all of the benefits that a male health supplement can provide for you. Volume pills, for one, give you the nutrients and natural plant extracts your body needs in order to produce more testosterone, develop a higher sex drive, and produce more seminal fluid than you ever thought possible. With the right high-quality volume pill, you won't need to learn how to boost your confidence, because your explosive performance in bed will speak for itself.
How to Cum Like a Porn Star
Specifically, like porn star Peter North, who is known worldwide for his impressive cum-shots. His big secret: celery. Yes, it sounds strange, but vegetables like celery, with their high water content and rich vitamins, are an excellent way to increase your semen load. They help hydrate you, which increases the volume of your seminal fluids, and the nutrients are processed by your body and turned into sperm.
There are other ways to approach growing a higher semen count, too. Zinc is an important vitamin that is essential for healthy sperm production, as well as amino acids and male-enhancing plant extracts like Horny Goat Weed. If you give your body the nutritional elements it needs to produce high quantities of ejaculate, your next impressively messy climax will be an excellent confidence-booster.
Your Most Intense Orgasm, Ever - Learning "The Ropes"
No, we don't mean literal ropes. We're talking about the slang term that originated within the porn industry when a male star would have such an intense orgasm that his semen would come spewing out of his member in thick, rope-like strands. If you want to learn how to boost your confidence in bed, then learning how to turn your member into a rope-shooting cannon is the way to go.
Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will certainly help you produce enough fluid for the ropes, but you also need to control your climax if you want the greatest level of intensity. Mental techniques, such as "edging" can help you learn to hold back your orgasm until the last possible moment (or at least until your lover is satisfied). And if you practice your man-kegels and develop mastery of your pelvic muscles, you'll have that much more explosive force behind your ejaculate when you're ready for that big moment.
So remember: when learning how to boost your confidence with your lover, make sure you follow a good nutrition program, stay well hydrated, and master your orgasm. But if you still have doubts, why not try incorporating a volume pill supplement into the routine? They are a safe, natural way to guarantee that you won't have anything to feel self-conscious about. For more information on the best pills for sale, stop by our reviews section and get the low-down on several great products.

Ready to get started? You're in luck. The demand for bigger loads has led to the development of a number of different top-notch products that can help.
The only thing to slow you down is sorting out the best ejaculation boosters from the weaker products. We can help. Based on product research and analysis, along with reader-contributed polling, we've sorted the best from the rest. Check out the top recommended increase ejaculate products.
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